

My Name is Sequoia Alexander.

I'm a robotics engineer living in Oakland.

I've been passionately devoted to developing my robotics skill since I was 11 years old.

My mission in life is to reduce the human cost of living to zero

Nov 2018
I am trying to figure out how to earn a living doing pro-social robotics work. Got an idea how I could do that? Drop me a line.
Edit: Wow did I ever find that! I will have to write more about it some time.

In my early 30's I found myself in exactly the place I always hoped I would be at that age - working on amazing robots at the cutting edge of the field, running my own business, and managing my own personal growth to be the best me I can be.

With that accomplished, where can I go from here?

There are 3.5 billion people in the world who are poor subsistence farmers, and most of the world ignores them.

I think though, it would be possible to arrange a group of skilled engineers who could design robotics hardware to be used by the global poor. I'm working now on how to make that a reality. Read more in Why I Build Robots.